Though manypeople underestimate the importance of a cover letter, one reason is becausemany dont really know China leather and PVC steering wheel cover what goes into it. It is actually a great place to catcha hiring managers attention and showcase things that just cant becommunicated as well in a resume. Like a resume, a cover letter can give highlightsof your career accomplishments, a brief summary of your career path, and yourrelevant skills required for the position. But, what can a cover letter make anemployer see about you that a resume often cant? 1. Your ability to sellyourself. Though a resume iswhere you sell your skills and experiences, a great place to sell yourself as astrong investment is in the cover letter. This is not just for those of you insales everyone is expected to sell themselves! Being able to do so shows youare assertive and confident about your abilities. Take the time to create acompelling opening paragraph and hook the hiring manager or recruiter rightaway! 2. Your reasons for job gapsor choppy work history.
Youmay have taken time off work to go back to school or care for an ill relative,but that isnt something easily explained (or appropriate to state) in aresume. A short, concise paragraph should provide honest, yet tactful answersinto any questions about the chronology of your work history.3. Your reasons for seeking anew job. Unless you areunemployed, giving a reason why you are looking for a new job can be insightfulfor an employer. There is no need to go into detail or badmouth your current/pastemployer, but a simple statement about wanting to grow in your field or changeyour career path would be sufficient. This statement is especially useful ifyou have a unique situation driving your job search.4. Your reasons for changingcareers (if applicable). Ifyou have spent 20 years in investment banking are now pursuing a career inteaching, the hiring managers first question will be, Why the change?
Offering some insight will give them perspective about you and where you arecareer-wise. Not explaining your reasons for changing careers could even makean employer think you are desperate to apply for any old job (even those not inyour field), or worse yet, make them think you accidentally applied for thewrong job! 5. Your personality! Unless they are professionally written, mostresumes are boring, conventional, and show very little personality. Employersare interested in not just your hard skills, but also your ability to excite,collaborate, motivate, sell, create, lead, and grow. What better way to showyou have these abilities than in the language you use in your cover letter? Letyour real personality come out in your cover letter and it will complement theskills and experiences you showcase in your resume. In addition to the above, a cover letter is agreat place to present client/colleague testimonials or give backgroundinformation about a corporate award you earned. These are just some reasons whya cover letter should not be looked at as a less popular cousin to the resume,but rather an equal and complementary partner, helping to establish you as thebest candidate for the job!
Take the time to create acompelling opening paragraph and hook the hiring manager or recruiter rightaway